Sunday 3 March 2019

#1 Feelings: Right or Wrong?

Hmm.. Hey guys. Welcome to my blog. This is Utkarsh Shukla, a final year engineering student in VIT Vellore. Much lesser workload in the final semester has provided me the time and liberty to start a blog. First up, let us talk about feelings. What is a feeling? Is that a stream of emotions that flows inside your body upon seeing, smelling or touching something? That's what it is according to me. But are these feelings reliable enough to make a quick decision or judgement? Let's spare a thought about it.

   Whenever we see a stranger, we form a lot of perceptions about that person in our minds? Woah, this person has thick, long beard, going way below his chin. Hmmm..Al-Qaeda? Ewww, this girl smokes and she just told me about her recent hook-up with a guy. Hmmm...I FEEL THAT THIS GIRL IS CARELESS AND SPOILT. SHE DOESN'T HAVE ANY OTHER THING TO DO. Well well, maybe in reality that girl, early into her twenties, lives in a PG and has recently joined a start-up that pays her well. She is independent and doesn't have to depend on anyone. Maybe we aren't open-minded enough not to judge her doings, her lifestyle. So here, what one may initially feel about that girl, doesn't necessarily has to be right.
    Or worse.  A girl says, I met my boyfriend today but I cannot see the "Love" for me in his eyes. I could not "Feel" the affection when he held my hands. His hands were cold, as if he were tensed. I couldn't feel that "warmth" of affection in his hands or in his cuddles. Hence, I can make out that he doesn't love me anymore. Hmmm. Maybe a lack of sleep or the weather made his eyes look dried-up. Maybe because of a lot of stress, his hands were cold and pale. Plus how can a normal person, who has not studied Psychology or an advanced form of this art of eye-reading, discern the lack of love in her partner, JUST BY HER FEELINGS??!! This Shakespearean insect in the minds of many enables them to write essays on the eyes of a person. "When I look into your eyes, I can see many worlds at once. I can see all those years of your suffering. I can see that layer of Nutella that you ate yesterday, which has accidentally made its way up right from your stomach to your retina!! I see a banner that reads 'You are the one for me.' In your eyes, I see your desire to put your arms around my waist, take me to the corner and kiss me softly." Ok no more stuff to make you guys horny. That's not my purpose.
   My point is that sometimes, trusting your feelings blindly can actually f**k up your life. They don't have to be right every single time. Of course there have been geniuses, who have always trusted their gut-feeling and achieved great things in life. But most of them have also made some horrible mistakes by trusting nothing else but their gut-feeling. Let us try not to judge any least not before striking a conversation with him/her. Let us not quickly form a judgement based on our feeling at that moment. Let us try to view the situation from your partner's side and try to find the real reason of the disparity in his eyes, instead of trusting your feelings(which you may be experiencing in a zone, where your intellect isn't at its best) and striking that person off from your list of loved ones. The ability to make right decisions using merely one's feelings is something that one learns from experience. But even after years of experience, your judgement may still not be 100% accurate! Long story cut short, "Do not blindly rely on your feelings. They may be right. They may be wrong. There's no guarantee!"
NOTE: All that I have written may not make any sense, because I have written this in a slightly sleep-deprived mode at 12:30 AM. This post was just to get a feel how blogging feels like. Thanks for bearing with me. Love you.